Enjoy a worry-free health care plan for your home heating needs with Densmore Oil Company! We treat our Bioheat® fuel with a premium fuel additive, HEATDOC™ to help your heating equipment run more efficiently. Heating fuel treated with HEATDOC™ is the better, safer, and cleaner home heating oil at no additional cost to you! We use HEATDOC™ because we care about our customers, their families, and the comfort and safety of their homes: that’s the Densmore difference.
MORE ABOUT OUR FUELWhy Is HEATDOC™ Better, Safer, and Cleaner?
It may come as a surprise, but similarly to our own bodies, heating systems perform better and last longer when they’re properly cared for. Densmore’s HEATDOC™ is a proprietary fuel conditioner that constantly cares for your Bioheat Plus® fuel by making sure your fuel is ready for peak performance. We are excited to offer this premium heating fuel to our customers at no additional cost.
Utilizing a unique balance of stabilizers, HEATDOC™ not only keeps today’s fuel fresh, but it also incorporates the latest blends of ultra-low sulfur heating oil and biodiesel. As a result, this will keep your fuel healthy today and much into the future. HEATDOC™ also helps to clean your heating system by reducing sediment buildup that may already be flooding your tanks, pipes, filters, and nozzle. In addition, HEATDOC™ focuses on preventing corrosion and rust within your tank and fuel lines. With all of these added benefits, the results of additive will only lead you to a healthier fuel and heating system that operates as efficiently as possible while improving the life expectancy of your equipment.
HEATDOC™ Is Always on Call
With cleaner fuel, better storage integrity, and improved component protection, your heating equipment will experience a world of difference when it comes to operation. However, what does that all really mean? Less worrying on your end. If you’re interested in learning more, give us a call today!